Connect To The Mary & The Knights Templars and the Crystal Grid – Sat 8th December 2012

by admin on November 17, 2012

Connect To The Mary & The Knights Templar’s and the Crystal Grid


Date: 8th December 2012

Time: 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Price: £60

Location: Divine Light’s Natural Therapy Center Benton Newcastle upon Tyne NE12  8LN

Heart Flame Mary Magdaline Grail Lines 1 Day workshop

Divine Light's Knights Templar Workshop Testimonial

Click on the picture above to enlarge for easier reading 

Connect with the Knights Templar, Mary Magdalene Grail line.


Connect with your heart and be guided to connect to your higher self.

During this wonderful day you will have the opportunity to work with the Ruby ray and open the inner chambers of your heart to release all that no longer serves you, filling the void with the energy of compassion bringing ease into your soul. Calling forth Mary Magdalene and the keys and codes she has for you. Awaken the healing power in you.

Are you guided to travel to the higher realms of light and love, where you will meet several etheric Knights Templar. Through meditation, you too can meet them and learn to be guided by them. The Templars these etheric Knights are the guardians of the grid. It is very important that each individual taps into the grid and learns to clear their own space. The Knights Templar have been given the job to be guardians of the grid. Now they need your help.

Are they calling you ? Call Nina now to book your place on 07951310888 or email to place your intreastConnect with the Knights Templar, Mary Magdalene grail line

Connect with your heart and be guided to connect to your higher self.

During this wonderful day you will have the opportunity to work with the Ruby ray and open the inner chambers of your heart to release all that no longer serves you, filling the void with the energy of compassion bringing ease into your soul. Calling forth Mary Magdalene and the keys and codes she has for you. Awaken the healing power in you.

Are you guided to travel to the higher realms of light and love, where you will meet several etheric Knights Templar. Through meditation, you too can meet them and learn to be guided by them. The Templars these etheric Knights are the guardians of the grid. It is very important that each individual taps into the grid and learns to clear their own space. The Knights Templar have been given the job to be guardians of the grid. Now they need your help.

Are they calling you ? call Nina on 07951 310 888 to book your place or email for more dates run monthly. If you wish to hold a workshop for 6 or more people contact me for details

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Debbie Curry December 11, 2012 at 20:12

Dear Nina,
How can I ever thank you for Saturday. It has had a dramatic effect on my own thoughts. Feeling that at last something has become clearer. Having been a room with such like minded people was very very humbling. Learning so many new things, and and being able to say what you were feeling without having to think who would think you were on a different planet. You asked me to send you the poem that was written by spirit as we were having a break. Here it is.

The five of you sat in the room,
Accept we say, there is no gloom.
We watch and wait, move around
Look and see what was found.

Karma given, crystals cleared,
New vibes abound, look what appears.
We ask that you carry on
Working with Skulls is not just fun.

We send the energy to fulfill
The job we set, they fit the bill.
Send out thoughts good and true,
The love abounds from them to you.

We know you all work for the good,
Together the strength sets the mood.
The energy goes from strength to strength
Sending the light up the length.

It is good to the cleanse the world together,
The energy is so much clearer.
The work is done, do not doubt,
We want to tell the earth, We shout.

We thank you all, it matters much,
For the love you give with easy touch.
Stand strong and lift your light
Feel the joy with all your might.

Thank you for asking for this poem, you are welcome to do as you wish with it. With all my heart I hope we get together again, and send you many blessings.


Debbie Curry December 11, 2012 at 22:28

missed a bit.

carry on with head held high.
looking up towards the sky

You heal the universe and below
None of you have said Oh No.
Just carried on with what you do.
We are grateful and may we love you too.

So go forward with love in your heart
A stride, A jump, together don’t part.
Lift the veil, you all can see
We send thanks to you, we all agree


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